Freedom For Life Project

Morality = Freedom


Nov 29, 2023

Podcast 004 Food - You Are What You Eat

Download Episode 004

Show Notes

Referenced Books:

  1. Whole by T.Colin Campbell
  2. Proteinaholic by Garth Davis
  3. Fit For Life Not Fat For Life by Harvey Diamond

Referenced Videos

  1. Carnism - The Psychology of Eating Meat by Melanie Joy
  2. Earthlings by Shaun Monson


  1. Vegetarianism And Occultism by C.W. Leadbeater
  2. Aspartame Patent
  3. Excitotoxins

Jun 05, 2023

Video 002 Inspiring Others Through Taking Right Action

Change starts with you. Take right action in the world and watch this world change for the better. Make the moral choice. The universe reflects to us who we are and what we do.