Freedom For Life Project

Morality = Freedom

Article 001 Taking Action

jan 18, 2024
Word Count: 861
Author: Amy

Taking Action

I recently returned from a brief trip to Kansas City, where we attended a funeral. After the funeral, my daughter and my niece took me to an occult shop, and it was your typical metaphysical store. I found the book section and browsed through their limited selection while one of the employees was doing inventory. He explained that the end of the fiscal year was the reason for the small book selection, and they would order more books soon. I said that I was browsing because I love to read and that I read a lot. He said that he used to read a lot but realized one day that he needed to “take action”. At that moment, the Universe spoke to me.

What does it mean to “take action”? It means that, at some point on your journey, you must take all the intellectual, spiritual, physical, and emotional knowledge you’ve obtained and share it with others. My son, Jacob, created the Freedom for Life Project so he and I could share our knowledge with others and encourage them to follow the path to freedom. We also hope others share their own journeys to help us continue improving ourselves. For those who are not aware, we share a collective consciousness. A connection with source consciousness will help you improve your life and the lives of those around you. The problem with the world today is our disconnect from source consciousness, which is done intentionally by those who would like to keep humanity from obtaining a collective conscience. This group goes by many names including The Illuminati, The Lizard People, Satanists, etc. It doesn’t matter what you call them. They are the dark occultists, and these dark occultists have spent centuries obtaining and using occult knowledge for nefarious purposes. While this may sound ominous and depressing, the good news is there are more of us than them. The secret is to free your body, mind, and soul from their negative influences.

There are many ways to free yourself from the control of the dark occultist. You must learn about occult knowledge and use it towards positive outcomes. Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, and even Christianity have ancient teachings about becoming conscience. My spiritual and emotional well-being has vastly improved through a meditation program I started through Advance Yoga Practices by Yogani. I also study Taoism and Gnosticism. The beauty of learning ancient spiritual practices is that there are a couple to choose from. You can pick and choose from various teachings or stick with just one. It’s your journey, so do what feels right for you. In future posts, I’ll be sharing other spiritual teachings.

Another area of focus is intellectual knowledge. This one is easy for me because I love to read, but many people struggle with this, and I blame the current educational system and the media. Jacob and I have made a podcast about each topic, so feel free to check it out. The current educational system and the media have stripped away our capacity to think critically for ourselves. They also instill the importance of the ego and materialism, and yes, this is by design. Everyone should learn the Trivium. The Trivium is a form of learning that teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Many people familiar with the Trivium recommend the book The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph. The book was very difficult to read, and I realized my logic skills were nonexistent. There is a website (triviumeducation)[], which I think does a great job of learning the Trivium. Also, gathering information from a variety of sources will help you learn how to discern truth from propaganda.

Your physical well-being is the one area I feel many people in the “Freedom Movement” don’t recognize as essential, and I’m afraid I have to disagree. It’s also the one topic I find most people uncomfortable discussing. Food is a very personal subject for most people, but it’s one of the easiest ways the dark occultists manipulate us. What you put in your body is very important since your body is a biological machine that uses amazing technology. It’s your job to make sure you take care of it. Our previous podcast episode discussed the significance of maintaining a healthy diet since the Western diet is the worst in the world. The Western diet has been linked to numerous diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. There are many sources of information that deal with nutrition curing most common diseases found in our population today. The books How Not to Die by Michael Greger, M.D. and Whole by Dr. T. Colin Campbell were very helpful to me. Both authors also have informational websites to learn more about nutrition. I also recommend looking into Dr. Max Gerson. Our upcoming podcast episode will discuss the medical and pharmaceutical fields and their impact on our well-being.

That is only a brief synopsis of topics I’ll explore in future posts. I’m excited to share books, videos, and websites that I’m discovering on my path to freedom, and I hope you come along for the journey.
