Recent Posts
Amy, FFLP, - Jan 18, 2024
Article 001 Taking Action
Taking Action I recently returned from a brief trip to Kansas City, where we attended a funeral. After the funeral, my daughter and my niece took me to an occult shop, and it was your typical metaphysical store. I found the book section and browsed through their limited selection while one of the employees was doing inventory. He explained that the end of the fiscal year was the reason for the small book selection, and they would order more books soon. Read more...[5 minute read, 861 words]
Amy, Jacob, FFLP, - Nov 29, 2023
Podcast 004 Food - You Are What You Eat
Show Notes
Referenced Books:
- Whole by T.Colin Campbell
- Proteinaholic by Garth Davis
- Fit For Life Not Fat For Life by Harvey Diamond
Referenced Videos
- Carnism - The Psychology of Eating Meat by Melanie Joy
- Earthlings by Shaun Monson
- Vegetarianism And Occultism by C.W. Leadbeater
- Aspartame Patent
- Excitotoxins
Jacob, FFLP, - Oct 31, 2023
Video 008 Be A Principled Human Being
Principles are the things that come first. They are the truths we have come to recognize so we work on aligning our behaviors with. Without principles firmly in place it is easy to become lost in the weeds of life also known as confusion. When you are in a state of confusion you can be controlled and manipulated to the desires of another. Principles are the foundation that allows us to use the magical word NO.
Jacob, FFLP, - Oct 27, 2023
Video 007 Responsibility and Growing Up
Most people today seek to go through life with as little responsibility as possible. We do not know how to live and we do not know how to die. We should think of responsibility as our ability to respond in this experience we call life. Unfortunately in today’s upside down world so few process such a necessary skill.
Amy, Jacob, FFLP, - Jul 05, 2023
Podcast 003 Money and the Federal Reserve - Modern Day Feudalism
Show Notes
Referenced Books:
- The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by Edward Griffin
- The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Clarence Mullins
- The Hidden History of Money & Feudal Order Usury Secrets by Alexander James
Referenced Videos:
- Money As Debt by Paul Grignon
- The Money Masters by William T. Still
- Century Of Enslavement - The History of the Federal Reserve James Corbett